Monday, July 27, 2009

First day of junior year.

it was pretty good. i like most of my classes, some of them i don't know anyone, so thats not very cool, but in some of them there are cute boys, and I must say i do like that! haha

I had to change my classes, because they really messed up my schedule, and the classes I am most excited for would be my AP Lit Class, APush, and photo, and being an Aide for Cronin, it will be a good year, Im not even going to even say hopefully anymore. I have decided either way, I am going to make it a good year!


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

so far this summer has been:

insanely boring. nothing real exciting has happened at all. the only place i went was LA, to see so you think you can dance, I will admit that, that was amazing, but that was the only exciting thing! so anyways, I really want to go to the fair, and sea world, and LA again, and i want to go to the beach really really bad, and hmm, what else? I don’t even know, I just want to be doing things that a 16 year old girl should be doing over summer, and I know that sitting around the house is not what should be happening! :/

AHHHH. i need my license. 

oh my goodness,

first off. im happy i can talk to you. it’s good. but if you only knew, boy oh boy if you only knew, except sometimes i wonder if it would even matter if you knew!?

would it make a difference with anything, there is a 50/50 chance you would care and the same chance you wouldn’t. sometimes i just don’t know what to do. 

but i find it funny, my best posts on here all seem to be about you.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson...

I will miss you, 

and so will the whole world. 

You were an amazing performer and have inspired so many people, 

including me. 

Your music will live on forever and you will be remembered as long as music is made. 

Rest in Peace, Goodbye for now.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

there was a fly..

In my Chicken Caesar Salad at California Pizza Kitchen!! Is that not like the grossest thing you have ever heard ever!! Eww. i am so happy i look at my food before i eat it or else that fly would have been in my body!! :/ YUCK.